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This is a picturesque anchorage within a daysail from Bundaberg. Popular for humpback whales in Sept/Oct. A gentle white sand slope provides good holding in front of a large, perfect white sand beach. This waypoint is in approx 25 feet. Good protection in E & SE winds. A 4X4 sand road comes down to the beach here providing access to the other side of the island at Orchid Beach where there is a small convenience store if you're up for a long walk of about 2 1/2 hrs each way. In the evening, dingoes can often be seen playing on the beach. There is another anchorage further south at Wathumba (the Lagoon) which also has road access but it is slightly longer to the windward side.
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Humpback Whale in Platypus Bay. The season is typically August-October.