Lanzarote - Papagayo

  • 28º 51.037 N 13º 47.677 E
Created on 2017-10-22 00:00:00.0
Anchorage Facts
Depth meters
Bottom Type Sand

Popular anchorage on the south end of Lanzarote with plenty of room for many boats. The area is part of a natural area and is very pretty.

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Nearby Markers (to show the Nearby Markers layer, click the layer button in the top right corner of the map)
Marina Rubicon 1.2nm on a course of 289 WNW
Puerto Calero 6.27nm on a course of 51 NE
Isla de Lobos 7.01nm on a course of 193 SSW
Puerto del Carmen 7.63nm on a course of 56 ENE
Arrecife 14.19nm on a course of 64 ENE
Marina Lanzarote 15.11nm on a course of 63 ENE
Puerto del Rosario 21.69nm on a course of 189 S
Playa Francesa 26.04nm on a course of 32 NNE
Playa Del Risco 26.51nm on a course of 36 NE
Caleta del Sebo 27.36nm on a course of 34 NE
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