Name: jon turgeon
Joined: 04/03/2016
About: "Evergreen", a Tashiba 40 and we're sailing around the world.
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06/14/2018 00:00
in United States
35° 8.793 N 76° 44.433 W
Hauled out at Hurricane Boatyard off Pamlico Sound.
06/04/2018 00:00
in United States
35° 1.422 N 76° 41.869 W
Anchored in Oriental, NC. Cute little town.
06/02/2018 00:00
in United States
34° 42.143 N 76° 41.151 W
Arrived Beaufort, NC last evening after a good trip.
06/01/2018 12:10
in United States
33° 57.530 N 77° 15.210 W
All is well. Should be in Beaufort by this eve.
05/31/2018 11:49
in United States
32° 18.490 N 79° 18.880 W
All is well
05/28/2018 00:00
in United States
30° 45.785 N 81° 28.919 W
Anchored at Cumberland Island National Park in Georgia. This place is such a gem. When the weather is good we'll hop offshore and sail up to Beaufort, NC.
05/03/2018 00:00
in United States
29° 59.776 N 81° 40.023 W
Moored at Green Cove Springs Marina. Never been this far up a river!
04/28/2018 00:00
in United States
28° 8.594 N 80° 36.201 W
Anchored at Dragon Point in Eau Gallie on the ICW. Making our way to Green Cove Springs near Jacksonville over the next few days.
04/08/2018 00:00
in United States
27° 39.494 N 80° 22.258 W
Moored at Vero Beach City Marina after a nice night crossing the Gulf Stream. Feels a little odd to be here!
04/04/2018 00:00
On Passage in the North Atlantic
25° 26.755 N 77° 45.730 W
Anchored at Little Whale Cay tonight. Did a great shallow snorkel and saw all kinds of neat stuff. Then met some Bahamian fishermen and talked with them for a while as the sun set. We like it here.
04/02/2018 00:00
in Bahamas
25° 5.472 N 77° 12.735 W
We're anchored just outside Nassau tonight in prep to head for the Berry Islands tomorrow. Had a nice sail across the Yellow Banks today.
03/31/2018 00:00
in Bahamas
24° 45.079 N 76° 50.469 W
We're at Allen's Cay. Great snorkeling here and lobstering. Late yesterday, we watched a huge, old leatherback turtle swim up to a coral head and immediately fall asleep! He had two big remoras on him to keep him company.
03/25/2018 00:00
in Bahamas
24° 11.065 N 76° 27.661 W
Anchored off of Pig Beach near Staniel Cay. It's not everywhere you can swim with pigs!
03/21/2018 00:00
in Bahamas
23° 31.202 N 75° 45.509 W
Enjoying Georgetown, Bahamas. Nice to be spearfishing again.
03/19/2018 12:04
in Bahamas
22° 47.980 N 73° 17.490 W
Nearly to Georgetown. Only a couple hours left...
03/18/2018 11:30
in Bahamas
22° 47.980 N 73° 17.490 W
Motorsailing in calm conditions on the way to Georgetown.
03/14/2018 00:00
On Passage in the North Atlantic
21° 29.322 N 71° 32.635 W
Moved to S. Caicos today. Didn't care for Grand Turk. Now THIS is what we remember! Much prettier, crazy colored water, better anchorage, conch moving around under the boat, better diving. The wind is blowing at 0.0kts tonight. Phew!
03/11/2018 00:00
in Turks and Caicos Is.
21° 26.195 N 71° 9.101 W
Hey, we washed up on Grand Turk today! Nice passage overall, good whale sightings. he water here is crystal clear. Shrimp curry tonight and then BED!
03/10/2018 11:22
in Dominican Rep.
20° 40.460 N 70° 40.040 W
Back to motorsailing in calm conditions. Had a night of lightning and squalls.
03/09/2018 11:13
in Dominican Rep.
19° 31.500 N 68° 26.430 W
Motorsailing in calm conditions.
03/08/2018 00:00
in Puerto Rico
18° 28.483 N 66° 8.087 W
Headed for Grand Turk this morning. Should take 2 1/2 days. The waves finally calmed down and the harbor is open. Yesterday there were 3 cruise ships!
03/02/2018 00:00
in Puerto Rico
18° 27.731 N 66° 5.702 W
Had a great motorsail from Culebra to San Juan, Puerto Rico today. Evergreen is once again anchored in the spot it was in 2004 when we passed through here. Crazy how the time goes! We're really excited to be here. The shoreline looks great and all the palm trees are up and have their fronds. El Morro fort has lots of little ants walking on it and the lawn is green. Looking forward to touring around tomorrow.
02/26/2018 00:00
in Puerto Rico
18° 17.546 N 65° 16.869 W
Moored in Culebra, Spanish Virgins. Its been awhile since we've been tucked in behind a reef!
02/23/2018 00:00
in U.S. Virgin Islands
18° 22.014 N 64° 45.056 W
We are enjoying the park anchorages on St John. The NPS has the park all cleaned up from the hurricanes but isn't charging for the moorings yet and there are only a few boats cruising around. Its really nice!
02/11/2018 00:00
in Antigua and Barb.
17° 1.153 N 61° 46.544 W
Been hanging out in Antigua the past few days exploring Nelson's Dockyard and vicinity. It's been too windy to dive- bummer! So instead we're enjoying the local street food. It is all "comfort food"- not good for you but really good!
02/08/2018 00:00
in France
16° 18.714 N 61° 48.287 W
Arrived in Deshaies yesterday after some great diving at Pigeon Island Reserve. Headed to Antigua tomorrow because there is some wind coming and we don't want to wait it out here.
01/14/2018 00:00
in Martinique
14° 27.517 N 60° 54.204 W
Anchored in St Anne, southern Martinique. Did a beautiful, long hike on a coastal trail today. This is a really nice place and no swell!
01/03/2018 10:39
in Martinique
14° 52.090 N 61° 13.770 W
We have arrived in Martinique! 14 days of magazine style passagemaking, our best ever. So glad to have the Atlantic crossing behind us. Now, to go ashore and trade in our sea legs for land legs.
01/02/2018 10:24
On Passage in the North Atlantic
15° 2.820 N 58° 49.670 W
Our amazing wind left and we finally started the motor a few hours ago to save our sails and our sanity. Headed to the north side of Martinique so no gybing necessary. 150 miles to go but who's counting?!
01/01/2018 10:47
On Passage in the North Atlantic
15° 8.350 N 56° 32.410 W
Continued good sailing. Wind about 15knots on the stern. Seas about 1 meter with the occasional 1.5. We are about 265 miles away!